Mexico Travel
I’ve traveled to Mexico on multiple occasions and yet still have barely seen any of this enormous country. In recent years Mexico has had a lot of negative publicity, but I’ve traveled to the US-Mexico border, the Yucatan peninsula, visited Mayan ruins and experienced world-class scuba diving. Mexico has a huge variety of landscapes, culture and unique foods waiting to be experienced. I loved my trips to Mexico, discover more about this beautiful country in my posts below.
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The Best Luxury Vacation Rentals On The Planet
When people used to mention holiday rentals to me I used to think back to a time when I would travel with my parents and we’d stay in a pretty basic house or villa. There were no frills or luxury, the rental would always be pretty basic but at least it was in a nice...

Swimming with Sea Turtles in Akumal, Mexico
Go swimming with green sea turtles for free at Akumal, Mexico. If you want to go snorkeling with turtles don’t miss your chance at Akumal Beach. It’s free and it’s fun!

10 Reasons to Visit the Yucatan Peninsula Right Now
As more & more discover this wonderful place beyond Cancun it will only get more crowded – visit now before that happens!

Swimming With Enormous Whale Sharks in Cancun, Mexico!
I’m plunging into the ocean with the world’s largest fish – whale sharks! Hundreds are gathered off the coast of Cancun and they’re literally bumping into me as I swim with them!

Celebrating Day of the Dead in Merida, Mexico
Known as Dia de Los Muertos in Spanish, the Day of the Dead is a special holiday to remember and honor the dead throughout Mexico. I’m in Merida, a Mayan town that has it’s own unique twists on the day. This is Mexican culture at its best. I’ll never forget my first time celebrating this holiday!

3 Underrated Mexico Destinations
For those who know where to search, Mexico is a diverse and endlessly fascinating country that holds plenty of treasures. Take your own path, avoid the tourist traps and price mark-ups and your trip will cost much less. Inside are 3 suggestions for a more unusual Mexican travel itinerary.

Cancun’s Tango Maya Festival
Cancun becomes the place to be for tango lovers from across the globe during the Tango Maya festival! Whether you’re an experienced dancer or a complete novice, this festival provides the perfect backdrop for your tango encounter, with 4 days of shows, milongas and masterclasses with world-renowned artists.

Photo of the Week – Lake Ensueño’s Incredible Color
Photo of Lake Ensueño and it’s spectacular color. One of the many Montebello Lakes in Chiapas, Mexico. The Lagunas de Montebello National Park.

Campeche – Mexico’s Walled Fortress City
A look into the charming town of Campeche, Mexico – with it’s beautiful architecture, history and defensive fortresses, bastions and rampart this city is a sight to behold.

Photo of the Week – Palenque’s Picture Perfect Waterfalls
Located deep in the wild and green forest is one of the most beautiful cascading waterfalls I’ve ever seen. Palenque might be best known for it’s Mayan ruins, but this waterfall is a sight to behold.

The Crococun Zoo – Close Encounters of the Exotic Animal Kind
I’m petting, feeding and getting too close for comfort with some of Mexico’s most exotic and wild animals! The Crococun Zoo is one of a kind in Mexico.

Photo of the Week – El Castillo, Chichen Itza
El Castillo (meaning the castle), Chichen Itza’s largest and most famous structure. A UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World this is possibly the most famous Mayan ruins of them all.