Are you looking for travel blog advertising, or a travel influencer on social media that give you valuable exposure? Advertise your brand or product on the Escaping Abroad brand. My content reaches tens of thousands of people interested in travel every week.
Join the list of great companies I’ve worked with to bring exposure, brand awareness and positive attention through featured reviews, photographs and social media.

Escaping Abroad is an independent, fast-growing travel blog used to inspire and engage a worldwide audience about all things travel. I cover all sorts of niche travel topics – adventure travel, scuba diving, luxury travel and resorts, budget hostels and unknown/growing destinations. You can read more about me on the about me page. My photography and stories have been featured on numerous travel industry sites & blogs, and all across social media networks.
Whether you’re a tourism board, hotel, tour operator or anything similar I’m interested in working with you. Contact me via the form below about your interest and goals and I will be happy to speak with you more about how we can work together to achieve them.
Things I can do for your travel-related business:
- Reviews of your product/service permanently featured on this blog.
- Monthly or yearly banner advertisements.
- Inspiring photography that captures the essence of your service or product.
- Social media promotion and mentions from my accounts.
Stats as of March 2017:
- 35,000+ Monthly Visitors
Over 150,000 Social Media Followers:
- 108,000+ Twitter Fans
- 45,000+ Instagram Fans
- 3,200+ Facebook Fans
- USA – 78%
- Canada – 9%
- UK – 8%
- Other – 5%
Take the Next Step
Contact me at the form below to discuss how we can work together towards a mutually beneficial and profitable partnership.
[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’Escaping Abroad Advertising’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Company’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]