Inle Lake, Myanmar
I Love Traveling! I Made My Dream A Reality & Have Escaped Abroad!
I started the Escaping Abroad Blog to share my passion for traveling and to inspire you to go out and do more exploring of your own! There’s a great big world out there that we don’t see enough of. More than half of Americans haven’t even set foot outside of their own country!
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Seoul, Korea
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Like most people I’d been working in an office my entire life, but always dreamed of traveling to far away destinations. I wanted to explore and experience new cultures firsthand. But instead of traveling much further than my own backyard I found myself chasing the “American dream” as it’s called; which in reality is more of a nightmare. Waking up day after day only to repeat the same routine tasks. Chained up in an office is not my idea of living!
“I always thought leaving the country for more than a quick vacation would be too expensive, too difficult, too dangerous, there was always an excuse not to make it happen.”

El Nido, Philippines
How It All Started
Everything changed when I went on my first trip abroad to Belize for 10 days. I relished every second of the experience and I knew instantly that my soul had forever changed. When I met people who had so much less than me but were so much happier, I knew I’d been living my life focused on all the wrong things. Material positions no longer seemed important, while freedom and time to make new experiences were precious. The few weeks a year I could manage to get away for vacation were never going to be enough to satisfy the burning desire I now had inside me. No longer was there any doubt – I quit my office job, sold everything I owned and left to live abroad in 2013.
Now I spend my days as a digital nomad able to work from any location in the world that has wifi. I hike through rain forests and to the tops of volcanoes, I learned to scuba dive and I swam with the world’s largest fish. I’m living life on my terms now!
A Few Facts About Me:
I’m so in love with scuba diving!
In addition to loving wildlife photography, I can’t get enough of field herping (searching for wild snakes and frogs).
I have an enormous fear of flying. After more than 75 flights I’ve overcome the fear of flying that used to give me major anxiety weeks before my trips.
I fund my travels by working jobs over the internet. I’m location independent as long as I have a wifi signal.

Kinabatangun River, Borneo
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